
Sylvia follows a creature she calls Nightmare, a shadow creature that lives under her bed, and, as the name suggests, has been the one creating the nightmares she sees when she sleeps. Wanting to give her a proper goodbye on her last night before she moves to college, a night where Sylvia couldn't sleep, Nightmare takes her to Dreamland, but when her fears prove to be too much for the land to handle, a Creation is made that prevents her from leaving. Sylvia, with the help of Nightmare and her biggest fears, needs to overcome her worst nightmare before she's lost forever.



Growing up I’ve always liked to write and draw, and as a child, my biggest worry was deciding which path I’d take when I would eventually have to choose. I quickly found my solution: comics.
I first started writing a script for a project I’ve just been calling Seasonal, but when that project ended up becoming bigger than it was originally meant to be, I decided to start with something smaller, which then led to a project called Destined, which, guess again, got too big to be considered a “small project,” which led to another project, called The Iron Maiden.
I was about to start that one, but when I decided the story would be set during the protagonists college years, I decided to put that one off a bit until I’ve got some years of college under my belt. That led me to Living and Waking, which for the longest time went under the name Project: Nightmare.
The general premise is a bit dated compared to my real life experience, since my big goal was to get this done during the summer before I went off to college, but the general fears and anxieties expressed by Sylvia are ones that we still share. Living and Waking is supposed to help me become more vulnerable and honest with myself as Sylvia learns to view her fears in a different light.


I have the story divided into 3 sections, and I finished another draft of the first section. I'm going to go through it one more time before I move onto making proper character sheets for all my characters, which will eventually go here

For now, go back home.
